Monday 16 May 2011

Our 1st beauty playground in Manchester 14/05/11

We at the BeautyDome would just like to say a big thank you to all the women who attended our first ever beauty playground in Manchester on 14th May and helped make it such a success. We had an amazing time doing what we love to do: introducing new women to our fabulous range of products and amazing business opportunity.

There from 11am-6pm, we had a steady flow of women through the door, who were warmly welcomed into the beauty dome with a free goodie bag and encouraged to examine and try items from our product displays at their leisure.

After trying the miracle-working Satin Hands, which leaves your skin feeling smooth and pampered, they went on the enjoy full makeovers and expert beauty advice. Upon leaving with their new products, each woman was transformed, reflecting the natural or glamourous look they had desired.

Here are a selection of images from the day, but for a better idea of what we do, head over to our facebook page and look through the whole album. Manchester beauty playground 14/05/11 Album

A selection of available products
The beauty playground
If you missed out on this exciting opportunity and want to experience first-hand what a Mary Kay pampering session is like, why not attend our next event in Manchester on 11th June, or book a private party with us via our blog, email, phone or facebook?

Hope to see you next time,

the BeautyDome Team

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