Monday 20 June 2011

Driving Pink

As we are spread out all-over the UK and are not often in the same location, we thought our Liverpool event would provide a great opportunity to do a 'photo shoot' of sorts with one of our most famous company prizes: the Mary Kay Pink Car.

Working with Mary Kay we can and do win the use of free career cars. Starting with the Polo, we can work our way up to the Mercedes A-Class, and upon reaching National Sales Director the super-luxurious Mercedes E-Class Coupe. 

They're taxed, they're insured, and we've got a brand new one every three years as long as we keep qualifying for the programme.

These are the kinds of rewards that come with working with Mary Kay, alongside the joy of knowing you are working in a way that lets you enrich the lives of other women on a daily basis.
If you're interested, contact us now. 

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