Monday 13 June 2011

Manchester & Liverpool Beauty Playgrounds, 11/06/11, 12/06/11

The MKBeautyDome has travelled the North in the last 72 hours, blitzing Manchester and Liverpool and leaving a mist of perfume, a dusting of powder, and many beautiful faces behind. 

We had a great time doing what we do best, which is introducing women to the benefits of a Mary Kay skincare regime and colour look that you can't get from the shops.

And we made our first youtube video! Look out for it soon...

A makeover's no good if you can't replicate
the results. That's why we guide you through
how to recreate the look by getting you to have
a go yourself
Lisa Jean giving a Take That concert goer
fabulous eyes and luscious lips

Thanks to all those who came, you made our return to Manchester like coming home and our first foray into Liverpool so exciting.

And for those of you who couldn't make it, don't worry, we'll be back soon!

Manchester - Friday 24th June, 2pm-7pm
Leeds - Saturday 25th June, 11am-6pm
Liverpool - Sunday 26th June, 11am-6pm

See you next time,

the BeautyDome team

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