Wednesday 29 June 2011

The Time, Flexibility And Income I Want

It's been a while since we've highlighted a BeautyDome team member, so this week, meet Mary Rose.

Hi, I’m Mary Rose, and before Mary Kay, I was a working mother with two primary aged children, a husband, and a dog. I was Deputy Head of a small Primary school, and out of all these commitments, you can guess that my job got most of my attention.

I joined Mary Kay because I needed time, flexibility and income. A year later, I recognised that I had a choice to make, between progressing my teaching career at the expense of time with my husband, children and dog, or choosing to develop my Mary Kay business, which I had been running at hobby level since joining.

I chose Mary Kay, and in my career as a Senior Sales Director, I have been driving a free car since 1996, and have been in both the Courts of Sales and Recruiting. I received Mary Kay’s highest award, Miss Go Give in 2008, and have won numerous trips to Dallas and a Caribbean cruise that I enjoyed with the husband that before I hardly ever saw. I have also travelled with Mary Kay to Portugal, Rome, Boston, San Diego and Mexico to name a few, and my highest monthly cheque from the company has been in excess of £3,000.

In enjoying all this from my business, I have remained in Mary Kay not only because I find working with women challenging and rewarding, but because it continues to give me the time, flexibility and income that I want. Above all, I now enjoy a life!

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