Sunday 8 May 2011

A profession that matches what I want out of life

Introducing Jennifer 

Welcome to our blog, I’m Jennifer Wilson, a Beauty Consultant with Mary Kay Cosmetics. What Mary Kay means to me, is opportunity. I’ve been in the business for eight years, and in that time I’ve enjoying being my own boss, while being recognised spectacularly for the work that I do.

Cowboy on my trip to Dallas
I’ve been to Dallas on the company dime, enjoyed being on stage for the Court of Sales three times, and won numerous rings and jewellery courtesy of Mary Kay. I work the hours I want, when I want, and what I earn depends on how I value myself, not how others value me.

What a change from my previous career as a health care administrator. Long hours and static pay really sucked the life out of me, and it wasn’t until I was introduced to Mary Kay, that I found a profession that matched what I wanted out of life.  

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